Unraveling the techforgood ecosystem, the 2022 unconference

Stop for a second and think about the endless zoom calls, one-hour walks, and succulent parenting that became our lives during the pandemic. It might feel like a lifetime ago for some of us, or like yesterday. Whatever we were doing in those months, millions of people were still using the tools of their trade, medicine, retail, delivery driving – these people were helping make things a little easier for the rest of us – and the techforgood space was no different. 

Over the last few months, we’ve heard first-hand from organisations like Bristol-based SpaceBands who have helped support the UK’s pandemic recovery, and aligned ourselves as a movement for techforgood in the South West of England. This month we hosted our inaugural, in real-life Unconference, a space to share ideas, connect with one another and shape the collective futures we all wish to see. As we emerged from our parapets and dusted off our smart-casual, we created space for a new vision for techforgood in the region. 

Who was in the room

Unconference’s work best with a variety of voices, sectors and backgrounds in the room. We were joined by individuals from the charity space, funders, community organisers, freelancers and many from across the private sector. The breadth of our experience, passion and commitment to using tech for social equity, helped us tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our sector and society today. Many of our attendees are in the Tech4GoodSW LinkedIn group, head on over and say hi. 

The Unconference gave the space to come together and connect with other people committed to using technology for social good. Have a listen to some of the conversations that surfaced.

What we discussed 

The Unconference was a space to surface any and all ideas from the community, specifically those in the room. We discussed a range of often complementary but differing topics from sustainability, and funding to building partnerships for effective collaboration. 

You can take a look at what was discussed at the Unconference on the Tech4Good Miro which is a living space where we surface the conversations that are taking place. Feel free to add your own comments and thoughts to the board. 

What we’ll be doing next 
Lots, so watch this space! In the coming months, we’ll be hosting our third tech for good walk and talk, and a demystifying digital pub quiz with our friends at Modular Digital. More tangibly we’re exploring smaller roundtables on some of the key themes that surfaced from the Unconference, which we’ll be voting on in the TechforGoodSW LinkedIn group. We’re also inviting collaborators to help host those discussions. If this sounds like something you would like to get involved in, get in touch.


New for 2023!


The future of Tech4GoodSW and our role in it